13年前難以置信的 911恐怖攻擊全程影片!直到今天才允許播放.......

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紐約每日新聞報報導,這段由國家標準科技學院 (NIST)所取得,並公布在網路上的錄影畫面顯示,NYPD直升機在世貿中心被濃煙籠罩時,曾飛至接近雙塔上方,影片中並錄下直升機人員在大樓突然倒塌後,發出難以置信的反應。


13年前難以置信的 911恐怖攻擊全程影片!直到今天才允許播放....... 觀看數:59933 人

紐約每日新聞報報導,這段由國家標準科技學院 (NIST)所取得,並公布在網路上的錄影畫面顯示,NYPD直升機在世貿中心被濃煙籠罩時,曾飛至接近雙塔上方,影片中並錄下直升機人員在大樓突然倒塌後,發出難以置信的反應。

9/11~September 11th 2001-Attack on the World || Trade Center

September 11, 2001 Attack on the World Trade Center, let us not forget, and my condolences to the Heros & Victoms of 911. May the victoms and Heros RIP
May this sinister act never be repeated to our Country Again!

The September 11 attacks resulted in 2,996 immediate (attack time) deaths: 2,977 victims and the 19 hijackers. A total of 372 foreign nationals (excluding the 19 perpetrators) perished in the attacks, representing just over 12% of the total. The immediate deaths include 246 victims on the four planes (from which there were no survivors), 2,606 in New York City in the World Trade Center and on the ground, and 125 at the Pentagon. About 292 people were killed at street level by burning debris and falling bodies of those who had jumped or fallen from the World Trade Center's windows.













13年前難以置信的 911恐怖攻擊全程影片!直到今天才允許播放.......



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