【一群老人的實在話】- 粉絲分享

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有一個自己的窩 ,不到死千萬別丟、有一個老伴,好好相伴、有一個身體,自己保重、有一個好的心態,自己快樂!老了,我們已經老了!只不過我們現在身體還好,頭腦清醒,老了,指望誰!要分幾個階段來談。


【一群老人的實在話】- 粉絲分享 觀看數:675 人


【一群老人的實在話】- 粉絲分享

有一個自己的窩 ,不到死千萬別丟、有一個老伴,好好相伴、有一個身體,自己保重、有一個好的心態,自己快樂!




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自己頭腦清醒,身體疾病纏身無法治癒生活品質極差時,要敢於面對死亡、堅決不要家人再搶救,不要親友做無謂的浪費。「老了」指望誰? 自己,自己,還是自己。 



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第二是老居:與其和兒孫同住,過著忍氣吞聲的生活,不如獨自享受單身之樂,無論都會 或郊區,住最適合自己的地方。附近有你喜歡的餐廳!





要認清: 財富只是數字問題,名利只是短暫虛榮,生活才是人生的全部,當個「樂在享受單身暮年」的人,人生就有如再度染上春天的色彩,條件是:身體強健,有錢、有閒、有朋友,並且有自己專屬的空間。


Reality Talks Among The Elderly

Keep your home nest till you pass away, maintain good relationship with your partner and enjoy life with happy attitude.

We are getting older each day had lapsed, however, at this moment, we are still healthy and thoughtful, so let's talk about in stages on the topic how are we going to rely upon.

The first stage

You have a reasonable health and financial condition in the ages between sixty and seventy after retirement, so eat well, dress nicely, act happily, and grasp hold of the time that soon be running out that still remains. Do not treat yourself meanly, manage your wealth, your property, and plan your future correctly instead.

The assets that your children gained or acquired and filial obedience that they had devoted are of their own, we must take control ourselves and organize our own life, although, it doesn't mean that we should refuse any honor in financial help from them or turn down their moral character.

The second stage

If your health is still in good shape, have not had any health issues or illness when you turn seventy, then it won’t raise any concern in dealing with your own daily living, however, your body lose physical strength and energy as time goes by, thus worsen your reaction, reflecting in eating slower to prevent choking, walking slower to prevent falling, you now need to pay more attention to yourself rather than showing up your superiority.

Stop getting involved in any matter that related to your children or grand-children who are generations away or struggle to possess anything unnecessary, as it is not realistic, now it is right time to switch to manage your own and be a bit selfish. Be prepared for a relaxing livelihood, and limit your activities to light duties work at home, this helps to maintain your health condition longer, in which, you are able to make your own decision, to live independently and not relying on other people.

The third stage

Something has gone wrong to the function of your body, you start to get ill and need helps from others, basically, it is hard to escape this type of situation during the last sections in your lifespan, so take it and adjust the mood to adapt and suit. Birth, Senility, Illness and Death are chronically filled in the law of natural life, if you had already treat them in calm without fear, depending on your capability and condition, whether admitting to a nursing home, or requesting a care person for home minding as appropriate, there always be a solution and you won’t feel too sad as they come along, at the end of the day, we avoid to load a burden on our children in any psychological, physical, financial aspect, and always be ready to solve it by yourself. We, of the same generation, all had suffered and experienced the abnormality and hardship in life when we were young, therefore, we would expect to solve and get over smoothly for the rest of our life.

The fourth stage

You have a sober-mind, but your health was seriously affected and the quality of life also downgraded due to unrecoverable illnesses or diseases, now you must be brave to face death, also make a solid determination of not to be salvaged, thus avoiding your relatives to bear the medication cost unnecessary. Whom do you rely upon when you are old? The answer is you and by your own.

What to do when you are old

Why we are bringing up this topic? I always believe that for the elderly over 80 years of age, there is no need for them to diet in order to lose weight, conversely, it is an advantage to gain nutrient from meals, as much as they prefer to be delicacies, then they will live more happier. There is no scientific proof that any advantage is achieved in cutting down meals intake in the elderly, this also violates human's nature. 

In fact, for the elderly group, there is increase of scientific evidences support the needs of absorbing more nutrients from foods or meals, so they are healthier, in return, having the ability to fight against disease and depression. I wish every elderly were able to enjoy his last steps in life without any regrets.


We have an old saying, "Be managed to avoid poor, be planned to avoid mess and be prepared to avoid rush", so during the time leading into old age, are we ready to get in a group of elderly? If we set them up in advance, we should not have to worry about our life style in near future.

The first thing is getting ready to maintain a healthy body, pay regular attention to the following, nutritious intake, self-care and self-possession.

The second is own residence, instead of board and lodging in your children or grand-children home, you may have to "Grin and bear it" to live, it would be better to live by yourself, choose the one most suitable, either downtown or suburban, within the vicinity of your favorite restaurant.

The third is assets, since pension is unable to be funded by your children, parents can only be self-reliance, so don't give away your assets to them until the end of your life, and keep it safely.

The fourth is old friend, having a good friend for gathering is as important as having a good partner, be very nice to people, establishing various kinds of friendship is the secret of enjoying life.

In short, whether you live longevity as an old Ojisan or Obasan (Old man or Old lady in Japanese), you still end up by yourself, this is not a frightening nor depressing statement, it all depends on the worth of proceeding your life arrangement and have acquired a matured mind. Do not always look forward to reserve matter giving to next generation that you deem good or lucky.

Please remember, we destined to be the last generation retaining filial piety, but the first generation getting abandoned by children, never take influence by negative emotion like "You end up in heaven but your money left behind in bank", "What a lonely fellow?" or "No one care about you when old", these are outdated.

We must recognize that "Wealth is just about numbers, fame fulfills vanity temporary, only livelihood forms whole part of life". Be an old single, happy life enjoyable person, your life will accumulate the vibrant color of spring season, and the requirement is simple, good health, money to spend, have time for leisure with close friends and your own dedicated space.

Able to enjoy life independently, is the greatest merits and virtues we gain for ourselves.














【一群老人的實在話】- 粉絲分享



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