
觀看數:8932 人

1. 如果你不想化全妝,那只要畫好眉毛,就會有很大的差別囉!   2. 畫不出完美的貓眼嗎?利用信用卡畫出清楚明白的線條吧!   3. 如果你的眼線完全悲劇了,就用棉花棒沾遮瑕膏修飾吧! {my


41招讓妳「比妳的好姐妹更美一點」的懶人心機小技巧。 觀看數:8932 人


1. 如果你不想化全妝,那只要畫好眉毛,就會有很大的差別囉!

If you don't want to wear a full face of makeup, just filling in your eyebrows can make a huge difference.

2. 畫不出完美的貓眼嗎?利用信用卡畫出清楚明白的線條吧!

Stuck on how to get the perfect cat eye? Use a credit card to make a foolproof line.

3. 如果你的眼線完全悲劇了,就用棉花棒沾遮瑕膏修飾吧!

But if your eyeliner is still a hot mess, use a pointed Q-tip and concealer to clean up any mistakes.

4. 把馬桶坐墊紙剪成小塊之後,就能當吸油面紙用!

Toilet seat covers make excellent oil blotting sheets.

5. 腮紅用完了?用唇膏代替吧。


6. 修容不難,只要在臉上畫「3」就好。


7. 用薄荷油製造出豐唇效果。

Mix a little peppermint oil into your lip gloss to give your lips a plumping boost.

8. 把眼線筆塗在睫毛夾上,「夾」出完美眼線。

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Use your lash curler to get the perfect eyeliner sitch.

9. 想對抗泡泡眼的話,就把眼霜冰進冰箱吧。

Want to fight puffy eyes? Keep your eye lotion in the fridge.

10. 利用名片讓睫毛膏不會沾到別地方。

Use a business card or note card to get the best mascara line.

11. 底妝產品一定要在脖子上試色,不要試在手臂上。

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Always test your foundation shade on your neck, not your arm, for a perfect match.

12. 用亮色眼線產品來突顯眼睛 (還能掩蓋你連續熬夜3天的後果) 。

Use a white or light eyeliner to really make your eyes pop (or hide how tired/hungover you are).

13. 把乳液的瓶子剪開,將乳液用到最後一滴。

14. 如果你想讓睫毛膏達到最大功效,就把它們放進胸罩裡幾分鐘,讓它們變熱。

To get the most out of your mascara, stick in your bra for a few minutes to warm it up.

15. 如果你的眼線用完了,但手邊剛好有睫毛膏,你可以用它來畫完眼線和睫毛。

If you've run out of eyeliner, but have mascara, it can do double duty.

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16. 如果你想要超強的定妝效果,試試看台幣450元的「花莉定妝水」 (Ben Nye Final Seal) 。

If you don't want your makeup to move an inch, spend $11 on some Ben Nye Final Seal.

17. 如果想製造豐唇效果,就在嘴唇中央塗上較淺的顏色!

If you want to fake fuller lips, applying light pencil in the center of your lips will do the trick.

18. 如果你只有少少的時間 (或精神) 能化妝,你可以只化眼妝或只化唇妝,但不要兩者都化。

Use the one and done philosophy: If you've only got a short amount of time (or energy), either play up your eyes or your lips, not both.

19. 如果你完全沒睡夠,在框框的地方打亮,看起來會更有精神。

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If sleep isn't on your schedule, you can use this helpful highlighter cheat to look more awake.

20. 用白色眼線筆使眼影超顯色。

Prime your eyes with white eyeliner or eyeshadow to really make your colorful shadows and liners stand out.

21. 如果想讓已經乾掉的睫毛膏撐久一點,滴幾滴隱形眼鏡保養液進去。

If you want to make your flaky, clumpy mascara last longer, mix a little contact solution in.

22. 如果你沒有卸妝產品,可以用椰子油來卸眼妝。

If you don't have makeup remover, just use coconut oil.

23. 如果想看起來更有精神,就要用正確的方式使用遮瑕產品。

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An easy way to look less tired? Use your concealer correctly.

24. 如果你想化出煙燻妝,卻只有普通的眼線筆,你可以把眼線筆加熱一兩秒,讓它軟化,再冷卻15秒就能用了。

If you want a smudgy eyeliner look but only have a regular kohl pencil, heat up your pencil over a stove burner for a few seconds to soften it.

25. 讓疲憊的腳丫在睡覺時充分舒緩。

Give yourself a healing foot treatment while you sleep.

26. 用水彩筆沾去光水,去除塗到外面的指甲油。

Use a tiny brush and some nail polish remover to get rid of polish around your cuticles.

27. 用OK繃輕易做出可愛的指甲造型。

For quick and cute nail art, use this cool Band-Aid trick.

28. 不想花時間和錢去做指甲保養的話,用簡單的配方來清潔指甲。

If you don't want to bother getting a full manicure (and who does?) you can simply clean up your nails with this simple recipe
配方:2茶匙的雙氧水 + 4茶匙的小蘇打 + 1/2杯熱水,然後把指甲泡進去1分鐘。

29. 用海綿來上多層次的指彩。

Ombre nails take a lot of work. Or not!

30. 在透明指甲油裡加一匙玉米粉,就能製造霧面效果。


31. 每次卸指甲油都卸到崩潰?用鋁箔紙吧。

Get rid of pain-in-the-ass glitter polish with this tin foil trick!

32. 塗指甲油前先把白膠塗在旁邊,就不會塗到外面。

33. 先綁個馬尾再用電捲棒會更有效率。

Save time curling your hair by putting it up in a ponytail first.

34. 把髮膠沾在舊牙刷上,讓惱人的細毛不再垂下來。

Tame annoying flyaways with a little bit of hairspray on an old toothbrush.

35. 如果吹風機卡住了,也可以用舊牙刷清理。

Bonus! Use an old toothbrush to clean out your clogged hairdryer.

36. 想要讓髮夾固定得更牢的話,就在夾上之前噴上乾洗髮或髮膠。


37. 用棉T恤擦乾頭髮比用毛巾快多了。

Save so much time by drying your hair with a tee shirt instead of a towel.

38. 想要捲髮造型卻沒有電捲棒的話,可以試試這個使用頭帶的方法。

Want cute curls without bothering with a curling iron? Try this easy no-heat curl method!

39. 如果你很累,就不用大費周章洗所有頭髮了,在洗手台洗髮根就好。

Screw showering: Just wash your roots in the sink.

40. 綁兩條馬尾,讓你的頭髮看起來更長。

Fake longer hair by giving yourself two ponytails instead of one.

41. 用離子夾燙出波浪。

Use a flat iron to make some ~waves.~


















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